這是一首很經典的英文情歌  互許彼此的承諾 期待再相逢的真愛

看的懂歌詞的朋友 就能感受到那樣的真情摯愛


You light up another cigarette And i pour the wine

你點了另一根煙 我倒了杯酒

It's four o'clock in the morning And it's starting to get light

現在是清晨四點, 晨曦漸透
Now i'm right where i want to be Losing track of time

我身在我心嚮往之處, 對時間已沒有感覺
But i wish that it was still last night

You look like you're in another world    But i can read your mind

你彷彿是另一個世界的人, 可我能讀你的心

How can you be so far away  Lying by my side


When i go away i'll miss you 當我離開時, 我會想你
And i will be thinking of you 我會不停的思念著你

Every night and day just ...

日日夜夜, 只要你….

Promise me you'll wait for me 答應我,你會等我
'cos i'll be saving all my love for you 因為我會把所有的愛都留給你
And i will be home soon 我很快就會回家

Promise me you'll wait for me答應我,你會等我
I need to know you feel the same way too 我要知道你也跟我感同身受
And i'll be home, i'll be home soon 我會回家的,我就快回家了

When i go away i'll miss you
And i will be thinking of you
Every night and day just ...

Promise me you'll wait for me
'cos i'll be saving all my love for you
And i will be home soon
Promise me you'll wait for me
I need to know you feel the same way too
And i'll be home, i'll be home soon

Promise me you'll wait for me
'cos i'll be saving all my love for you
And i will be home soon
Promise me you'll wait for me
I need to know you feel the same way too
And i'll be home, i'll be home soon

曾經 我也許下過如此的承諾 但最後無法守約的 不是我

未完的遺憾 始終徘徊在夜深時分 喚醒了哭泣怪獸 淹沒每一個角落....

POMISE ME   不要隨便說出口 真的 ...很重 很痛


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